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Æfið lesskilning með því að lesa texta á ensku og endursegja. Veraldarvefurinn er fullur af enskum fréttum, auglýsingum, fræðslu og upplýsingum. Finnið hvað sem þið hafið áhuga á og lesið, hugsið síðan um og skrifið niður (á íslensku) hvað þið voruð að lesa.


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Lestu hann aftur og reyndu að skilja hann betur, setningu fyrir setningu (ekki orð fyrir orð).

Lestu spurningarnar OG svörin vel áður en þú velur svar.



Wrong Way Corrigan

He was known as “Wrong Way Corrigan”. It was in 1939, twelve years after Lindbergh’s historic flight across the Atlantic, that Douglas Corrigan, an airplane mechanic and occasional pilot, took off from New York City, supposedly headed for California. Observers were stunned to see him fly east, headed out across the Atlantic. He flew through fog for twenty-four hours, and landed in Dublin, Ireland. He became a hero as a transatlantic flier, but he insisted it was all a mistake, that he had flown the wrong way. Most people felt that Corrigan had flown the wrong way on purpose. Regardless, he made a name for himself in the history of aviation.


Spurningar úr texta


The paragraph mainly tells:

a) How Corrigan got his nickname

b) How far Corrigan flew

c) Why Corrigan flew the wrong way


Corrigan was:

a) An airplane designer.

b) An airplane technician.

c) An experienced pilot


A possible explanation for the flight having been a mistake is the fact that Corrigan:

a) flew through fog

b) made a name for himself

c) was going to California




Shetland's Rich Folklore

As might be expected the sea has given rise to a whole range of fantastical creatures in the Shetland bestiary. Among them was the Finn, a creature of considerable magical resource. Shetland Finns are unlike their Orkney counterparts who have much of the mermaid in them. Shetland Finns are, above all else, powerful sorcerers who can change into sea monsters in the wink of an eye and will chase fishing boats and pull them under the waves. The only chance for survival is to throw some silver at the pursuing pack. Finns, it would appear, are so enamoured of the metal that they will immediately fall to fighting over it and your boat will have a chance to escape.

The Finns were greatly feared by small boat fishermen who could be driven ashore by the presence of these ferocious creatures. 


The word “bestiary” refers to

a) limbs of animals

b) real and imagined animals

c) powerful animals


What best describes the Finns? They are:

a) Mermaid-like creatures

b) Magicians

c) Sea monsters


The word “enamoured” is closest in meaning to:

a) covered with

b) fashinated by

c) frightened of

d) powered by


When the fishermen believed a Finn was in the water they

a) jumped from the boat

b) rowed back to land

c) threw food at the Finn












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