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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Veljið eitt eftirfarandi verkefna og skilið á Showbie.


a) Explain with your own words what is meant by 'infinate improbability drive'. 130-150 orð


b) What is so special about the spaceship 'Heart of Gold'? 130-150 orð


c) Draw a detailed picture of the interior of the spaceship 'Heart of Gold'


d) What is Magrathea and what was it's purpose in the universe, what happened to it? 130-150 orð


e) Pick your favorite scene from chapters 8-17 and make it come alive. (2-3 manna verkefni)


f) Why is Zaphod so pissed off about the hitchhikers' rescue in to the 'Heart of Gold'? 130-150 orð


g) Write a poem about the hitchhikers' rescue from being tossed out of the airlock , in english.










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