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Hlustun og talað mál


Horfið á myndbandið um Los Angeles og svarið eftirfarandi spurningum munnlega, eins ítarlega og þið getið. Skilið á Showbie. Skiptist á að svara spurningunum.







Why do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

How can you tell that California once belonged to Mexico?

What is special about many waiters and sales clerks in Los Angeles?

What is special about Robert's roots?

What did other kids use to call Robert in elementary school and why did they call him that?

What can you find at the Sunset Strip?

Why is it hard for Robert to lie and keep secrets from his family?




Why do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

How can you tell that California once belonged to Mexico?

What is special about many waiters and sales clerks in Los Angeles?

What can you study at UCLA?

What is Robert studying at the Univercity?

What is special about Robert's roots?

What did other kids use to call Robert in elementary school and why did they call him that?

What were Robert jobs before he went to UCLA?

What can you find at the Sunset Strip?

Why is it hard for Robert to lie and keep secrets from his family?



Why do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

Why is California a state with many contrasts? (name two reasons/contrasts)

How can you tell that California once belonged to Mexico?

What is special about many waiters and sales clerks in Los Angeles?

What can you study at UCLA?

What is Robert studying at the Univercity?

What makes Robert proud to be an American?

What is special about Robert's roots?

What did other kids use to call Robert in elementary school and why did they call him that?

Why is it important to take care of yourself and relax in Los Angeles?

What were Robert jobs before he went to UCLA?

What can you find at the Sunset Strip?

Describe Alhambra community?

Why is it hard for Robert to lie and keep secrets from his family?




























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